• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Italian Spaghetti | From the scratch | QuadBloggers

Italian Spaghetti

We Indians love our Noodles, let it be the 2 minute Maggi, various mixes of Top Ramen, Wai-Wai or any other brand. But I would say that nothing can beat pure home made joy of Noodles and Italian Spaghetti is just the cherry on the top. The rich sweetness form tomato and sourness form olives combined with sweetness from sweet corn makes this dish very appetizing! Without further ado, lets jump in to making the Italian Spaghetti and make your taste buds ready for a very appealing and pleasing journey of the life time!

Dish: Italian Spaghetti
Served as: 
Main Course
Preparation Time: 
45 minutes

Ingredients Required:

  • Spaghetti: 200 grams
  • Tomato puree: 200 grams
  • Parmesan Cheese: 100 Grams, crumbled
  • Garlic (Chopped) : 5-7 pods
  • Olive Oil: 5 table spoon
  • Olive slices: 7-10
  • Sweet corn kernel: 50 grams
  • Tomato Sauce: 2 teaspoon
  • Oregano: To taste
  • Chill Flakes: To taste
  • Salt: To taste
  • Water: 2 liters

Method to make Italian Spaghetti :

  • Boil the water in a long pan. Add 2 teaspoon oil and salt.
  • Add the spaghetti to the pan and cook until soft
  • Drain excess water, sprinkle 1/2 spoon oil and mix well (This will help to unstick the noodles)
  • In a wok add 2.5 spoons oil and fry the garlic pods until golden brown
  • Add the tomato puree and cook until oil separates
  • Add sweet corn kernels and tomato sauce
  • Toss the cooked Spaghetti on to the mix
  • Now add sliced olives and mix well
  • Finally top it with parmesan cheese, close the wok with a lid and let the spaghetti cook in low flame for two minutes
  • Garnish with Basil Leaves

Enjoy this Spaghetti with a glass of white wine. The sourness of the wine plays well with the sweetness form the Italian Spaghetti.

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